Monday 15 August 2011

No, That's Not A Good Idea Awards Monday

Yes it's that time of the week folks.  The time we add another two sporting candidates to the "Not So Clever" Hall of Fame.

Candidate 1.

Rory McIlroy appears to be a sporting personality who is extremely difficult to dislike.  On a human level he seems like a thoroughly nice chap.  This year alone he has also proved his courage and tenacity on the golf course, coming back from the horror of the final day of the US Masters where he blew a four shot lead, and then making mincemeat of the opposition winning the US Open a few months later.  Yet in the first round of the US PGA tournament last Thursday, you almost wanted to hit him with a sledgehammer.  Whether it was his burning desire to win or the invincibility of youth, the risk to his health and more importantly the risk to his career hitting that shot on the fourth hole so close to that now infamous tree root, could potentially have been catastrophic.  He did continue to complete all four rounds of the tournament in considerable pain and displayed another admirable quality of not being a quitter.  However, you wonder what may have happened had simply knocked that ball to the side on to the fairway.  You live and learn in this life, but in Rory's case, hitting a golf shot be just under or just over a foot from a tree root, Not A Good Idea!

Candidate 2.

I reckon Gervinho of Arsenal has some serious potential as a heavyweight boxer.  Even with a slap   he managed to KO Newcastle's Joey Barton on Saturday.  God forbid what may have happened if he had used a fist.  Joking aside, and let it be known this blog does not condone violence and any sledgehammers used will be plastic, you cannot understand what the hell Gervinho and Song were thinking even getting involved with Joey Barton on Saturday.  Gervinho has already paid for his misdemenour with a red card and three match ban.  Song now appears to have paid the price retrospectively for his atrocious stamp on Joey Barton's ankle and will suffer a three match ban.  Joey Barton is no saint, but there seems to have been a plan by teams to simply wind up Joey Barton and hope he takes the bait, and he did on Saturday.  The trouble is teams seem to be taking baiting beyond the boundaries of decency, a dangerous policy which could lead to important players being banned at crucial times.  Slapping and stamping Joey Barton.  Not A Good Idea.

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