Tuesday 9 August 2011

Sport Simply Has No Choice But To Mix With Politics.

If, god forbid, the dreadful events in England these past few days continue, you can't help but think a new precedent will be set this coming weekend with the Pools Panel sitting in August.  The riots taking place in various cities across the country now have already had a dramatic effect on the sporting calendar with several matches in the Carling Cup being postponed and England's friendly with the Netherlands being called off.  It would be extremely difficult to argue that the reasons behind these mindless thugs causing havoc in our cities, does not have, be it directly or indirectly, political overtones.  As a consequence the English sporting calendar has been dramatically affected this week and who knows, it may be for quite some time yet.   If 16,000 coppers are protecting the streets around London from looters and arsonists, how on earth can they police a football international at Wembley?

There used to be a common phrase used in the world of sport "Sport and Politics do not mix".  Rubbish! I suggest in the "modern" era, there has rarely been a time where sport has had  any choice but to mix with politics, or suffer the consequences of political issues.  Who decided that their countries should boycott Olympic Games, meaning athletes missed out on the opportunity to win a gold medal? Politicians.  Who ultimately has control over the budget for the London 2012 Games?  Make no mistake, it's Politicians.  Who has run a dictatorship from the confines of Fifa for the past 13 years?  Yes it's Sepp Blatter, the politician. 

Let us not forget when our politicians pop in for five minutes at the end of campaign to host a major sporting event.  Dave at the World Cup.  What good did that do?  At least Tony had more luck with the Olympics.

Whatever their political persuasions, athletes and sports fans alike, will simply have to get used to fact behind the pleasure of participating or watching sport, there will always be a political agenda.  I have a nasty feeling at the pit of my stomach.

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